Overseas Citizen of India

The Constitution of India does not allow holding Indian citizenship and Citizenship of a foreign country simultaneously.
Based on the recommendation of the High-Level committee on Indian Diaspora, the Government of India decided to register Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs) of certain category as has been specified in the Section 7A of the Citizenship Act, 1955 as Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) Cardholder.

Registered OCI Cardholders shall be entitled to the following benefits:

  • Multiple entry lifelong visa for visiting India for any purpose.

  • Exemption from registration with Foreigners Regional Registration Officer (FRRO) or Foreigners Registration Officer (FRO) for any length of stay in India.

  • Parity with Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) in respect of all facilities available to them in economic, financial, and educational fields except in matters relating to the acquisition of agricultural or plantation properties.

  • Registered Overseas Citizen of India Cardholder shall be treated at par with Non-Resident-Indians in the matter of inter-country adoption of Indian children.

  • Registered Overseas Citizen of India Cardholder shall be treated at par with resident Indian nationals in the matter of tariffs in air fares in domestic sectors in India.

  • Registered Overseas Citizen of India Cardholder shall be charged the same entry fee as domestic Indian visitors to visit national parks and wildlife sanctuaries in India.

Application for registration as Overseas Citizenship of India card can be made online at https://ociservices.gov.in

Before filling the application, Instructions may be perused so that there is no mistake in submission of application. For detailed guidelines on OCI services, please visit https://ociservices.gov.in/ .

Checklist for Registration as Overseas Citizen of India cardholder


  General Guidelines

  • All the relevant/uploaded copies are to be attached along with application.

  • Photograph (3nos) to be affixed on the application should be of square shape of size not less than 51x51mm (with 80% coverage of face) with light background (not white) with front of persons head and shoulders showing full face in middle of the photograph.

  • The applicant should be ordinarily resident for more than 6 months.

  • Other Nationals (for category II given below) has to produce a copy of date and method of acquisition of present Nationality.

  • If the parents are divorced, court order of dissolution of marriage, which specifically mentions that the legal custody of the child is with the parent, who is applying for OCI Card. If the court order is in any foreign language, translation in English or Hindi by an authorized translator is to be enclosed.

  • In case of Canadian National

  • Landing paper / Work permit of applicant/ sponsor

  • In case of Family class. a letter from Canadian Immigration and Refugee Board and notarized affidavit pleading that neither the applicant nor the sponsor has sought Refugee status in Canada.

  • Last Canadian Address and Visa Copy.

  • Application Fee in cash for New Registration OR 103.50 + ICWF Charges + BLS Service Charges

  • Submission/Enquiry Time: Between 9.30 am to 12.00 pm

  • Interview is mandatory for Spouse based application.

Conversion of OCI in lieu of PIO card

Documents required

Documents needed to scanned & uploaded in OCI Applications.

Valid passport of the applicant

i) Current passport of the applicant.

Valid PIO card of the applicant.

ii) Copy of PIO card. ( First& last data pages of PIO card)

For Omani / Other Nationals of Indian Origin.

Documents required

Documents needed to scanned & uploaded in OCI Applications.

Duly filled in application with current passport copy valid for more than 6 months.

  • Current passport of the applicant.

ii)  Indian Origin Proof – Previous Indian Passport of Self

  • Upload previous Indian passport with pages of date of birth and parents name.

  • Surrender Certificate (for those who have surrendered Indian Passport in or after 2010).

Copy of Previous Indian passport of the applicant.

Surrender / Renunciation Certificate if applicant obtained Nationality after January 2010.

On basis of Indian Parents / grandparents / great grandparents.

Documents required

Documents needed to scanned & uploaded in OCI Applications.

Duly filled in application with copy of current passport valid for more than 6 months.

i) Current passport of the applicant.

  •  Indian Origin Proof 

In case one or both parents are Indian Nationals

In case one or both parents are OCI cardholders.

  • Upload Passport copies of parents under the option Current Indian passport of parents 

  • Upload OCI copies of parents under the option OCI card of parents 

iii)Relationship Certificate

  • Upload Main and apostle seal page of the Birth Certificate of the applicant.

Birth Certificate issued by competent authority from the country where the child was born. In case birth certificate is issued from foreign authority, it has to be Apostle or endorsed by the concerned Indian Mission abroad.

Copies of Indian passport or OCI card of parents /grandparents.

On the basis of Spouse of foreign origin of citizen of India or Spouse of foreign origin of OCI cardholder)

Documents required

Documents needed to scanned & uploaded in OCI Applications.

Registered marriage certificate. Completion of two years of marriage is mandatory.

  • Current passport of the applicant.

  • Indian Origin Proof

In case Spouse is an Indian National.

In case Spouse is an OCI cardholder.

  • Upload Passport copy of Spouse under the option Current Indian passport of Spouse

  • Upload OCI copy of Spouse under the option OCI card of  passport of Spouse

  • Marriage Certificate

    •  Upload Main and apostle seal page of Marriage Certificate.

Copy of Indian passport of the Spouse with the applicants name endorsed.
( In case of spouse of an Indian citizen).

Copy of valid passport of the spouse or copy of the OCI card of the spouse.

OCI Miscellaneous Services

These services can be availed for re-issuance / issuance of duplicate OCI documents in the following category of cases:

  1. In case of issuance of new passport.

  2. In case of change of personal particulars viz. name, father's name, nationality etc.

  3. In case of loss/damage of OCI registration certificate/visa.

  4. In case of manually filled in applications (discontinued now) mistakes have been committed by the Indian Mission/Post/Office while entering the personal particulars.

  5. In case of change of address/occupation.


OCI Fee w.e.f 01 April 2024

No Services Fee in USD Existing Fee in OMR ROE 01.01.2024 1US$=.3763 OMR Revised fee in OMR
1 OCI REGISTRATION  275 103.800 0.3763 103.500
2 PIO ADULT TO OCI CARD CONVERSION 100 37.800 0.3763 37.700
3 PIO MINOR TO OCI CARD CONVERSION 100 37.800 0.3763 37.700
4 PIO LOST CARD REPLACEMENT 100 37.800 0.3763 37.700
5 TRANSFER OF OCI UNIVERSAL VISA 25 9.500 0.3763 9.500

