Bharat Ko Janiye Quiz 2018

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Embassy of India

Press Release

The Embassy invites NRIs and PIOs to participate in 
Bharat KoJaniye Quiz 2018

The Government of India has taken initiatives to reach out to and promote welfare of Indian diaspora. Implementation of E-Migrate system, for safe and transparent emmigration, launch of Madad portal, for reddressal of grievances, and enhancement in scope of utilization of Indian Community Welfare Fund are some of the key initiatives to achieve this goal.  The Government has also underlined the need for enhancing physical and emotional connect of Indian diaspora with India. It has endevoured to make Indian diaspora familiar with contemporary India. Bharat KoJaniye (Know India) Quiz has been launched to accomplish this goal. 

Embassy of India, Muscat, is pleased to announce the launch of 2nd edition of 'Bharat KoJaniye' Quiz, which is being organized by Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, in 2018-19,with a view to encourage Indian diaspora youth to enhance their knowledge about India. The Quiz also offers a chance to the participants towin a 15-day tour of India and several other exciting prizes.

'Bharat KoJaniye' Quiz 2018 is open to overseas Indians, including Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) and Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs), between 15-35 years of age. Topics of 'Bharat KoJaniye' Quiz, which will be conducted in two separate categories of participants, NRIs and PIOs, will include Indian Art, Democracy, Economy, Geography, Personalities in Music and Dance, Science & Technology, Languages & Literature, Education, Traditional Crafts, Cinema, and Renowned Personalities.

'Bharat KoJaniye' Quiz 2018 will be conducted in 4 rounds. The 1st round of the Quiz will be conducted online for NRIs and PIOs in Oman. The online Quiz can be taken at portal:  from 28 June-28 July 2018. Advance online registration is mandatory to participate in the Quiz. Top three participants from Oman, in each category of competition (i.e. NRI and PIO), in the 1st round of the Quiz,will be awarded by Embassy of India, Muscat. They will also qualify for the 2nd round of 'Bharat KoJaniye' Quiz.

The 2nd round will be conducted online for all NRI and PIO winners of the 1st round from across the globe. Top 10 worldwide finalists,in each category (PIOsand NRIs), from the 2nd round, will be invited to participate in the 3rd round/Semi-final Round and 4th round/ Final Round to be held in New Delhi. They will be provided air fare and hospitality for their participation in the Quiz in New Delhi. They would also be invited to join ‘Bharat koJaniyeYatra’, a 15 day tour of India. The top three winners in Final Round will be awarded Gold (22 ct), Silver (50 gm) and Bronze (50gm) medals respectively and a Certificate at 15th PravasiBhartiya Divas (PBD) Convention 2019, which will be held on 21-23 January 2019 at Varansi, Uttar Pradesh, under the theme “Role of Indian Diaspora in building a New India”.

Embassy of India, Muscat, invites young members of Indian diaspora, bothNRIs and PIOs, in Oman to participate in 'Bharat KoJaniye' Quiz 2018. For more details about the Quiz and registration for participation please visit portal: The portal provides interesting information about India. Mock quizzes about India can also be taken at the portal. For further information, Indian Embassy could be contacted by emailing at indembassy[dot]muscat[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in or calling at 24684514 or 24684517.

Muscat, 12th June 2018